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With that being said we started planning our space and the furnishing layout to achieve a bright and moody feeling with some elegant touches. We pumped most of our inspiration from the "Green Home Book". To accomplish the dark - restricted feeling there were used some classic furniture as the Madison Leather Sofa from Restoration Hardware and the LC-2 Armchair by Le Corbusier whose boxy shape effected massively to our rigid atmosphere but in a more cozy and warm version which was achieved by using velvet fabric. On the other hand a white string bookshelf, some greenery and the props on the black marbled - wenge console were placed to produce the Nordic mood.
Having finished with our commercial part of still images we came back to the project some weeks later. Having both of us an Interior design studies background, our purpose was to learn and experiment with Architectural animation. Having already some very basic knowledge on key framming and animating objects, we had to put some effort to turn this interior scene into a small video on our office workstations.
Created with 3ds max & Corona renderer, 2017
The following project' s brief was about making some still images that will support a dark composition with a bit of Scandinavian touches. Our commission was to focus more on the props and the general mood of the space.
Animation Cactus.

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